Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Copyright permission for use of our Royalty Free Pictures and Royalty Free Photographs

The copyright-free-pictures website offers a wide selection of free pictures for non-commercial internet use. The website clearly lays out the terms and conditions to their use such as a maximum of three to be used on any one URL or website and there must be a link back to the copyrigh-free-pictures page.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A new view of the world - Cartograms

The Worldmapper website provides almost 700 density-equalising maps realting to different topics. These cartograms re-size the territories according to the variable being mapped. So if you want to compare areas by transport, tourism, production, disease or many other categories, these maps can show you relative densities and provide a poster summarising the data. The site offers a range of variables to compare the countries.